Frequently Asked Questions

And we tell you that whatever work you need. The providers registered on our platform cover all sectors and all functions. And they all have something in common, their proven experience in the market you are looking for.

All you need to do is fill in a few details about the work to be done and your target market. Our network of providers will do it faster, better and cheaper than you can imagine:

Jobs of any kind and amount

You set the price: a fixed amount or by the hour

You determine the market and the characteristics that the service provider must have

1- Publish an offer

Posting an offer is chargeable and only takes a few minutes. The more detailed the description, the clearer providers will be when they see it published on the platform.

Once published, you will begin to receive offers from providers interested in your work.

2- Choose the best service provider

Among the providers who have shown interest in your work, you will have to choose the one that best matches what you are looking for. To do this :

You will be able to enter their profile and see their references

You can chat in real time via our internal chat platform

You can compare the proposals made by each and choose the best

Finally, assign the position to the most suitable one to start working as soon as possible

3- Pay when you are satisfied

Pay securely using our payment system.

Our objective

emywork.com was created with the aim of bringing providers in international markets like you to the companies that need them. Today, this access is complex and companies end up working with consulting firms and agencies that charge high prices and that in many cases do not offer the service with the expected quality. emywork offers all providers with experience the opportunity to put all their knowledge at the service of companies and monetize it at the same time.

We are going to list some of the reasons below that make this platform a great opportunity for you, but most importantly, think that a lot of new ideas and businesses as well as businesses that are already in business need people like you to take this step which is so complicated for them.


Here we give you the reasons why companies and projects need your services:


  • The way of doing work has changed and companies are therefore demanding new ways of working.
  • Today, more than ever, opening new markets is essential to avoid dependence on local demand.
  • Mobility is more limited than ever. Businesses demand to have “eyes” and “hands” in the countries in order to keep growing.
  • Many companies have specific projects that do not require hiring employees, but professionals for the duration of the project.
  • Companies find it difficult to get in touch with service providers and waste a lot of time in lengthy negotiations with consulting firms

This is the best way to monetize your experience in international markets

Start building a relationship of trust with businesses. It can lead you to be hired

The best way to show companies your skills. Practice what your resume says about you.

Register without obligation. Joining the platform is completely free. There are no registration or membership fees.

Working is as easy as keeping an eye out for projects that are posted and if there's one you're interested in, all you have to do is make a counter offer to the person who posted it.

It's a simple way to monetize all your knowledge and network of contacts in this market.

It's the best way to start creating a real relationship with companies that can turn into permanent job offers.

emywork.com is an international online platform that allows providers and clients to connect and work together to benefit both parties.

Signing up is easy.

  • Click on “Register” in the menu on the emywork.com home page. Registration is completely free.
  • You will be prompted to enter some information such as your password and username… Then tap Continue.

* by signing up, you agree to our  TERMS AND CONDITIONS  and  PRIVACY POLICY


  • Select the type of account you want to create. If you are a Supplier who wishes to offer its services and product choose “Supplier”. If, on the other hand, you have a project you want to publish, choose “Client”.
  • You will then see the message that an email has been sent to you with a link to activate the account:
  • Open your email and click on the link to activate your account
  • It is already activated. To access your account, enter your email address or username and password. Click on “Login”:
  • Once inside, click on your name in the welcome message to complete your profile:
  • Click on edit your profile and fill in the fields so that companies can see your profile and select you for their projects (this is your cover letter):

Once you have filled in the fields, you are ready to use emywork platform!

emywork has an obligation to conduct its business in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws. We are committed to helping all users act in a way that maintains trust and respect. This code is a guide for the proper use of our site and must be respected at all times. Violations of this Code are handled in accordance with our Violation Policy and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including account termination. Any questions regarding this code should be directed to the emywork support team, where we can provide further information on the correct procedures to follow, as well as resolve any concerns you may have.

  • I will act with ethics and integrity.
  • I will comply with all emywork policies.
  • I will respect the rights of all users.
  • I will not profit from confidential information and will not engage in any illegal practices.
  • I will take into consideration the interests, rights and safety of users.
  • I will not harass, intimidate or discriminate.
  • I will not falsify my own identity or that of another person and I will provide true and accurate information.
  • I will not attempt to communicate or receive payments outside of the site.
  • I will not accept to do a job that I am not able to do.
  • I will not ask for advance payment of deadlines before I have returned my work.

  • I am responsible for the content I publish on emywork:
  • I will not post content that infringes any copyright or other intellectual property right.
  • I will not post content that violates any law or regulation.
  • I will not post defamatory content.
  • I will not post content that is obscene or contains child pornography.
  • I will not post content that contains false, incomplete or inaccurate information about any person, product or service.
  • I will not post content that contains viruses or programming routines intended to harm any system.
  • I will not post content that creates emywork liability or damages your business operations or reputation.

  • I will respect confidentiality and privacy.
  • I will not disclose any information or materials I have acquired except as required by law or with my permission.

  • I will not ask other emywork users for their private contact details and will only communicate with them through the official functions of the website.

  • I will not participate in fraudulent activities.
  • I will not create multiple accounts.
  • I will not use the site to transfer illegal funds.
  • I will not use the site to generate false reviews about any person, product or service.

  • I will avoid exaggeration, derogatory comments and inappropriate references.
  • I will not engage in personal attacks, negative or unfair reviews of any kind, and any unprofessional conduct.

  • I will not offer a lower price to avoid the charges.
  • I will not participate in projects that involve illegal behavior.
  • I will only submit proposals for projects that I intend to carry out.

  • I will not spam or advertise my website or service unless otherwise permitted.

  • I will not refer to the affiliate program.
  • I will not get mailing list names, group emails, etc. for sending unsolicited email (“Spam”).

  • I will not use emywork to facilitate the exchange of money, including but not limited to cryptocurrencies (eg bitcoin, ethereum, etc.).

Projects that violate our terms and conditions

emywork.com strives to ensure that all projects are legitimate. We do not authorize projects whose content could harm the operation or reputation of emywork.com, or cause damage to the services of the suppliers.

The following projects violate our terms and conditions. Clients should not post projects of this nature.

  • Advertisement
  • Request or generate fake likes, reviews, followers, reviews, votes, downloads, comments
  • Captcha projects: bypass, keylogger, etc.
  • Clone
  • Racist or discriminatory content
  • Classified projects
  • Creation, purchase or sale of accounts
  • Creation of robots to deceive or harm systems
  • Spamming on eBay
  • Hacking, reverse engineering, skimming, cracking, hacking, decompiling, Cryptowall, or drip software
  • Tampering with documents, removing watermarks
  • JavaScript Injection
  • Money transfers and currency exchange or cryptocurrency exchange
  • School work, university projects, theses, online exams, online interviews, etc.
  • Silent doc exploit/FUD (totally undetectable)
  • Sale of stolen manuscripts

If you are a service provider and you plan to sell  finished solutions , the answer is yes. This is permitted provided your customer consents and you own the selling rights.

If you detect projects of a similar nature to those listed above, let us know by clicking Contact Us.

Publishing projects are very simple.

To get started, click on Create a project and fill in all the information about it. Remember that a detailed description helps providers better understand what you need.

Then, the service providers interested in carrying out your project will send you their proposals through the platform.

Among all the service providers who have sent you their proposals, choose the one that gives you the most security to carry out your project and confirm it by accepting their proposal.

You have found a project that interests you and now you want to make a proposal that the client will like to select you.

The first thing you need to know is what the customer requires. If something is unclear and you have doubts, we recommend that you message the customer and ask them everything you need to know. This way you can ensure that when you make a proposal on how you are going to carry out the project and the budget, everything is clear and avoid problems in the future.

Once your doubts have been dispelled, send your proposal to the client.

Do not send pre-made proposals. You need to give the customer confidence by showing them that you understand their needs and are what they are looking for.

Go straight to the point. Remember that he will receive several proposals and that yours must stand out. Highlight your abilities and experience that make you unique for this project.

Ask him these two questions clearly: Why do you want to carry out this project? And why is it essential that he chooses you and not another professional?

If the customer asks you questions through the platform, answer honestly and clearly. Don't forget to give him security.

Finally, don't forget to review your proposal before sending it. We know you are a provider, but there may be an error or something not explained in the best way.

Good luck and get the project

The emywork team


Once you have published your project, interested providers will let you read their proposals.

It is important that you check frequently to see if you have messages in the chat or proposals received. Select your favorites to highlight them among others.

It is important that before accepting a proposal, you have no doubts about the service provider and its experience. If you do, contact them through the platform without any problem. This will avoid misunderstandings in the future and ensure an optimal result in the execution of the project.

Don't forget to take a look at their profile to get a better idea of ​​the provider in question.

The emywork team

The quality of the outcome and the schedule of your project may have been affected by certain issues between you and the service provider you have hired. We strongly recommend that these issues be resolved through clear and consistent communication in order to reach agreements that benefit both parties.

You can read these articles about our recommendations for issues you might encounter:

– The hired service provider cannot start working on the project

If your provider cannot start working on your project, the first thing to do is to contact them. Know the reasons that prevent it from starting or continuing, especially if the purpose of the project has changed after you have reached an agreement.

Here are some options if the project cannot start with the provider you have hired:

  • Choose another service provider from those who made you a counter-offer
  • Republish the project
  • It marks the project as “incomplete”. Projects marked as incomplete affect vendor ratings.
  • Cancel the project if you don't need to run it.

– The work carried out by the hired service provider is of very low quality

If your provider gives you shoddy work, try to communicate with them about areas they need to review and improve. Remember that describing in detail what you are asking for in your project description will help the provider do what you need.

If the problem is related to the skills of the service provider, agreeing to carry out a project without the required skills is a violation of our code of conduct.

If you do not want to continue working with the service provider you have chosen, you can choose another one or cancel the project.

Tips to avoid problems:

  • Thoroughly analyze the profiles of the service providers who have offered to carry out the work.
  • Hire a project manager by asking for it in “Contact us”.
  • Create a clear schedule
  • Make sure there is agreement between the parties on the project description.

– Hired contractor did not complete the work

Most issues can be resolved with patience, understanding and open communication between the parties involved. We recommend first discussing the issues between the parties in order to find amicable solutions.

If you no longer wish to work with your service provider, here are some options:

  • Choose another provider


  • Publish the project again


  • Marks the project as incomplete (detrimental to the service provider)


  • Cancel project


– The contracted service provider does not respond


Or try contacting your provider to see if they respond. If more than 24 hours pass without a response, contact us and we will help you.


Contractors who engage in your project should communicate regularly until the project is successfully completed. Our chat system, to facilitate smooth communication.


Suppliers who, for no reason, do not respond to an ongoing project are in violation of our code of conduct and we recommend that you report it to our team.

  • Establish a schedule for communication, meetings and completing tasks. This is all the more important if you are in different time zones.
  • Keep all your communications within the emywork.com platform to ensure the greatest protection in the event of a dispute.

Dispute Resolution

We expect all emywork.com users to behave in accordance with our  “Code of Conduct”  and adhere to our “Terms and Conditions”  in order to maintain security, trust and professionalism within the platform. form. Failure to comply with the rules, including the following actions, will result in immediate account suspension or termination:

  • Engaging in or participating in fraudulent activities


  • Abuse or harass other users


  • Blackmail or extortion to gain positive reviews and/or additional payment


  • Mislead other emywork.com users


  • Falsification of identity documents


  • Spreading viruses or links from dangerous sites


  • Manipulation of the dispute resolution system


  • Manipulate the feedback system to gain a better reputation on the platform


  • Sale or purchase of emywork.com accounts
  • Posting or participating in projects that violate our terms and conditions, such as money laundering, spamming, and hacking You can view the list runs projects that are not allowed here.

Suspension or termination of accounts for any of these violations is final and irreversible.

Projects that violate our terms and conditions


emywork.com strives to ensure that all projects are legitimate. We do not authorize projects whose content could harm the operation or reputation of emywork.com, or cause damage to the services of the suppliers.


The following projects violate our terms and conditions. Clients should not post projects of this nature.

- Advertisement

– Request or generate fake likes, reviews, followers, reviews, votes, downloads, comments

– Sale or purchase of final products

– Captcha projects: bypass, keylogger, etc.

– Clone

– Racist or discriminatory content

– Classified projects

– Creation, purchase or sale of accounts

– Creation of robots to deceive or harm systems

– Spamming on eBay

– Employers looking for a job

– Hacking, reverse engineering, skimming, cracking, hacking, decompiling, Cryptowall, or drip software

– Falsification of documents, removal of watermarks

– JavaScript injection

– Money transfers and currency exchange or cryptocurrency exchange

– School work, university projects, theses, online exams, online interviews, etc.

– Silent doc exploit/FUD (completely undetectable)

– Sale of stolen manuscripts

Service provider

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